Protein quantification

Lumiprobe offers a selection of kits for quantifying proteins. The measurement is based on the selective binding of dyes with the target molecules and the corresponding fluorescent response.

The measurement results are reproducible and correlate well with other measurement methods. The method has a wide dynamic range of up to three orders of magnitude.

There are kits specifically designed for common fluorometers. Any fluorescent reader with green (fluorescein or FAM, 490/520 nm) channel can be used for the measurements with proper calibration - all calculations are done intuitively using our DNA/Protein quantification calculator tool.

ProteOrange® Protein Quantification Kit

The core of this Protein Quantification Kit is a very sensitive ProteOrange® fluorescent dye. This dye is suitable for use with spectrofluorometers and microplate readers. The kit is optimised for protein quantification, with detection level as low as 10 ng/mL of protein in final solution.
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Cat. # Quantity Price Lead time
100 uL dye
–   1 days
1 mL dye
$415 1 days
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QuDye® Protein Quantification Kit

Ready-to-use kit for simple, tolerant-to-contaminants protein quantification. The kit includes concentrated assay reagent, dilution buffer, and prediluted BSA standards.
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Cat. # Quantity Price Lead time
30 assays
–   1 days
100 assays
$110 1 days
/ includes tubes
100 assays (incl. tubes)
$130 1 days
500 assays
$350 1 days
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ProteOrange® Protein Quantification Reagent, 500×

ProteOrange® is a fluorescent protein-sensitive dye used for quantitating purified protein samples. The dye shows minimal variability for different proteins. This reagent is a 500× concentrate of ProteOrange dye.
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Cat. # Quantity Price Lead time
11210 100 uL –   in stock
41210 1 mL $195 in stock
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QuDye® Protein Quantification Reagent, 200×

Highly sensitive and selective reagent for fluorometric quantification of protein concentration, using both fluorescence microplate readers and cuvette-based devices. The dye is highly tolerant to non-protein impurities, except surface acting agents.
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Cat. # Quantity Price Lead time
55210 1.5 mL $125 in stock
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