Membrane potential measurement in Applications

Potentiometric probes are chemical compounds that allow the performance of membrane potential measurements in organelles and cells in conjunction with other imaging techniques.

Di-4-ANEPPS, potentiometric probe

Fast-response potential-sensitive fluorescent probe for imaging functional activity of neurons and heart cells. The dye is quickly internalized by cells and is well-suited for short-term experiments.
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3429-5mg 5 mg 219$ in stock
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Di-8-ANEPPS, potentiometric probe

Fast-response potential-sensitive fluorescent probe for imaging functional activity of neurons and heart cells. The dye has more lipophilic properties than other dyes of the ANEP family, making it well-suited for long-term experiments.
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Cat. # Quantity Price Lead time
4274-5mg 5 mg 229$ in stock
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LumiTracker® Mito JC-1

The cationic carbocyanine dye that is widely used as an indicator of mitochondrial membrane potential to study apoptosis and monitor the health of mitochondria.
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Cat. # Quantity Price Lead time
2275-1mg 1 mg 110$ in stock
2275-5mg 5 mg 150$ in stock
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Pluronic® F-127

A nonionic detergent widely used to solubilize hydrophobic molecules such as cell-permeable AM esters of Fluo-4, Fluorica-8 calcium indicators, and Di-4-ANEPS, Di-8-ANEPS potentiometric probes and facilitate their loading into cells.
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Cat. # Quantity Price Lead time
P9050 30 mL 69$ in stock
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RH 237, potentiometric probe

Fast-response potential-sensitive fluorescent probe for imaging functional activity of mitochondria, neurons, and heart cells.
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Cat. # Quantity Price Lead time
3734-5mg 5 mg 137$ in stock
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